In your perks selected list it might be better to change + sign with red x to remove the perk entirely, because it doesn't make sense to go past +6 and a single click to remove is better than 2 minus clicks.Your exotics at the end have their rendering too close to each other because of the padding/margin.For your drop down list, it might be a good idea to add select/unselect all at the top.I see you mentioned the suggestion being capped, but that makes the suggestion a bit unreliable to me (unless you add many perks) as I don't really know if it's giving capped results or not just looking at it. Your green suggestion equivalent feels either a bit weird to me as I understand it as green highlight being builds found that contain the highlighted perks, but when I click on the white ones it still returns something. In the end my results would be less than 10 and their mobile-first interface would not be an issue. So I can filter out builds that don't contain Defense cell type in results for example. However, personally I prefer the auto-complete filter the Combiner has which can also filter by perk family. I looked at yours again and it does look improved.